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Dispatcher Training Manual

The Cal Chiefs Communications Section has developed a training manual for Communications Dispatchers working in the Fire Service.  This manual serves as an introduction to dispatching for the fire and emergency medical services and can be used as a supplement for your agency’s dispatch training. This Manual is currently available in draft format free of charge (link below).  The Comm Section welcomes your input to update and complete the Training Manual.


eBook Release of Communications Dispatcher Training Manual

Currently, the Comm Section is working to develop and release the Training Manual in eBook format through the iTunes store.  Please check back for further information on release dates and how to obtain your copy.  We are currently seeking individuals with experience with iBooks Author to assist with getting the manual ready for publication.  Additionally, if you or your agency has media (photos, video or audio) that you would be willing to release for use within the manual, please let us know.

If you wish to assist with the eBook project, please contact:

Don Wise, Verdugo Fire Communications Center


Jennifer Libby-Jones, North County Dispatch JPA


Dispatch Manual DRAFT Rev 2 28 11 Htm 14.53 MB 2348 downloads



*Please note: A revised version of the Dispatch Manual has been uploaded for CFCA member review as of 3/2/2011.